23+ Saturday Quotes For Instagram [With Captions]

23+ Saturday Quotes For Instagram [With Captions]

Looking for Saturday quotes and captions?

We all love Saturdays, for they are days full of fun and comfort.

Unlike Sundays, they don’t bring the sad feeling of sayings goodbye to the weekend early. We can enjoy the day fully without worrying about next week.

Here are the captions, quotes, and sayings to add a dash of fun to your Saturday.

Saturday Quotes For Instagram

“Saturday night is when you want to do what you want to do and not what you have to do” – Susan Orleans

“Saturday is the mightiest day of the week. It’s unshakably, overwhelmingly superior” – Wataru Watari

“What can be better than to get out a book on Saturday afternoon and thrust all mundane considerations away till next week” – C. S. Lewis

“Saturday is a time to enjoy the small blessings of life” – Byron Pulsifer

“Saturday is still the busiest shopping day of the week” – Susan Orleans

“Without Saturday, Sunday would just be another day of the week” – Anthony T. Hincks

“Saturdays are an escape from school, work, and ‘have to’ tasks” – Michael Crews

“Sleeping in on a Saturday always feels like a little bit of heaven” – Carla Kringer

super saturday quotes

Saturday Captions For Instagram

Saturdays are for napping, not adulting…

Saturday because adulting is overrated..

Saturday because adulting is hard..

My Saturday plans? As little as possible..

If only every day could be a Saturday..

Life begins on the Saturday…

Dear Saturday, I love you 3000…

I can’t adult today, it’s Saturday…

Saturday are for sunshine and smiles…

I’m living for the lazy vibes of Saturday…

I can’t keep calm, it’s the Saturday…

Dear Saturday, please stay a little longer…

I’m not lazy, I’m just on Saturday mode…

Saturday calories don’t count, right?

When in doubt, take a Saturday nap…

It’s Saturday! Time to get your ‘yes’ face on..

Too glam to give a damn, it’s the Saturday…

And there you have it! We hope you loved this collection of Saturday quotes and captions.

Want more inspiration? You can either join me on Pinterest or explore the following:-