21+ Sunday Quotes For Instagram [With Captions]

21+ Sunday Quotes For Instagram [With Captions]

Looking for Sunday captions and quotes?

Sunday is not only meant for rest but also for indulging in creative activities.

It is the day where you refresh and prepare yourselves for the week ahead.

Here are the captions, quotes, and sayings  about Sunday that will inspire you to have a happy and fun weekend.

Sunday Quotes For Instagram

“Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“Sunday — that airless graveyard that the brutalized week finally stumbles into and collapses” – Chandler Brossard

“Sunday is a time when you sit back and reflect on all the blessings that you have received. Smile at all the good things that you are enjoying” – Sera Train

“Sunday is the core of our civilization, dedicated to thought and reverence” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

happy sunday quotes

“The feeling of Sunday is the same everywhere, heavy, melancholy, standing still” – Jean Rhys

“Sunday evenings often feel like the weekend is over before it’s even begun” – Catherine McCormack

“Do not waste a single Sunday. If you don’t waste Sundays, you will be less likely to waste Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays” – Matthew Kelly

“There’s nothing better than putting your feet up on a Sunday afternoon and grabbing a good book” – Chris Klein

Short Sunday Quotes

If you are wondering why Sundays are special, these short Sunday quotes are just what you need.

“Sunday is a day of rest” – Mark Morris

“Happiness is a hot bath on a Sunday afternoon” – A.D. Posey

“Time flows in a strange way on Sundays” – Haruki Murakami

“If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan” – Albert Schweitzer

“Sunday, the day for the language of leisure” – Elfriede Jelinek

“You know what Sunday is, it’s a day with a lot of potential for naps” – Polly Horvath

“There is always something new to learn and feel each Sunday” – Bishop Gerald Causse

“Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week” – Joseph Addison

“On Sundays the world is as bright and empty as a balloon” – Joseph Roth

sunday quotes blessings

Sunday Captions For Instagram

Sunday loading. Please wait…

Sunday because adulting can wait..

Sunday because life needs a pause button…

Sunday, I’m in love..

Sunday because why not?

Smile, it’s Sunday..

Sunday calories don’t count, right?

On Sunday time, and it feels oh-so-fine..

Dear Sundays, please never end…

If you need me, I’ll be on Sunday time…

Sunday because adulting can wait..

I’m on Sunday time, it’s a real thing..

Alexa, play my Sunday playlist..

Sunday plans? None, and that’s just how I like it..

My Sunday is booked… with naps…

Sunday, don’t ever leave me..

If Sunday had a face, I’d kiss it..

And there you have it! We hope you loved this collection of Sunday captions and quotes.

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