Looking for quotes about goodbye?
Goodbyes are not only difficult, but they also provide us with a chance for a change, new beginnings, and closure.
They are a way to end things on a good note so that we can start anew.
Here are the best inspirational quotes and sayings for 2023 about waving goodbye that will inspire you to embrace hardest and saddest farewell.
Short Quotes About Goodbye
1. “Goodbyes, they often come in waves” – Jarod Kintz
2. “Saying goodbye is very emotional” – Lukas Podolski
3. “Saying goodbye to close ones is always the hardest” – Edin Dzeko
4. “For every goodbye, God also provides a hello” – Donna Gable Hatch
5. “Saying goodbye is a little like dying” – Marjane Satrapi
6. “Sometimes good-bye is a second chance. Clears your head” – Jamie McGuire
7. “The hardest day is the day you say goodbye” – Karen Maezen Miller
Goodbyes Are Always Hard Quotes
8. “It’s hard to say goodbye, To those we become fond of And even more difficult, To say hello to those we don’t love” – Julie Hebert
9. “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting” – J.M. Barrie
10. “Saying goodbye to someone you love is difficult. However, if the goodbye is only for a short time we come to appreciate our loved one more especially when they come home” – Catherine Pulsifer
11. “Good-byes hurt the most when the other person’s already gone” – Angie Thomas
12. “Saying goodbye is not as easy as it sounds. Saying goodbye requires us to make our loss a memory” – Donnie D. Davis
13. “A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it” – Helen Rowland
14. “The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained” – Jonathan Harnisch
Quotes About Unexpected And Sad Goodbye
15. “The pain of a hard good-bye is the heart’s tribute to the privilege to love” – Beth Moore
16. “It takes courage to say goodbye. To stare at a thing lost and know it is gone forever. Some tears are iron forged” – Jay Kristoff
17. “The hardest goodbyes are the ones that were never said and never explained, the ones where the story wasn’t over” – Virginia Brown
18. “Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends” – Richard Bach
19. “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello” – Paulo Coelho
20. “As with every meaningful life experience, goodbye is the hardest part. It is necessary to feel closure, and it is necessary to go on to another day” – Jennifer Sutton Holder
21. “The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last” – Moira Rogers
Quotes On Beauty Of Goodbyes
22. “It’s sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life, starts with goodbye” – Carrie Underwood
23. “By saying goodbye, you can gradually heal. The pain of grief will yield. You will no longer feel the sharp pains of grief ‘s knife” – Dan C. Crenshaw
24. “It’s the emptiest and yet the fullest of all human messages: ‘Good-bye” – Kurt Vonnegut
25. “Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize what you’ve had, what you’ve lost, and what you’ve taken for granted” – Ritu Ghatourey
26. “The easiest way to find out how you feel about someone. Say goodbye” – Phil Knight
27. “Two of the greatest predictors of success are the ability to say hello and the ability to say goodbye” – Robert J. Braathe
28. “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation” – Rumi
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