Looking for quotes about worry?
Worry not only robs our lives but also hinders our progress.
Here are the best inspirational quotes and sayings for 2023 that will inspire you to embrace faith over worry.
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What Is Worry Quotes
1. “Worry is stressing about a situation that may or may not occur and it’s always in the negative sense” – Rob Liano
2. “Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained” – Arthur Somers Roche
3. “Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere” – Erma Bombeck
4. “Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want” – Abraham Hicks
5. “Worry is like a roller coaster ride that you think will take you somewhere, but it never does” – Shannon L. Alder
6. “Worries are wasted energies. You can have a joyful life when you let go of your worries” – Lailah Gifty Akita
7. “Worry compounds the futility of being trapped on a dead-end street” – Cullen Hightower
8. “Worry is wasting today’s time, cluttering up tomorrow’s opportunities with yesterday’s trouble” – Grant Ngobean
Quotes About Stop Worrying
9. “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy” – Leo F. Buscaglia
10. “A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work” – John Lubbock
11. “Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything” – Mary Hemingway
12. “Worry is not about the possible troubles of the future; for if they come, you are but anticipating and adding to their weight; and if they do not come, your worry is useless; and in either case, it is weak and in vain, and a distrust of God’s providence” – Hugh Blair
13. “Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace” – Randy Armstrong
14. “Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything, it just messes with your mind and steals your happiness” – Ziad K. Abdelnour
15. “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength” – Corrie Ten Boom
16. “It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there’s nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized” – Wayne Dyer
Short Quotes About Worry
17. “In the end, we wear out our worries” – Stephen King
18. “Worry pretends to be necessary, but serves no useful purpose” – Eckhart Tolle
19. “What worries you, masters you” – John Locke
20. “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy” – Leo Buscaglia
21. “Worrying is praying for stuff you don’t want” – Jen Sincero; You Are a Badass at Making Money
22. “Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe” – Keith Caserta
23. “Worry is a misuse of the imagination” – Dan Zadra
24. “So, here are all the benefits of worrying: none; nothing; notta one” – Byron Pulsifer
Quotes About Feeling Worried
25. “For every hour spent on worrying, is sixty minutes that could have been spent on seeking for some solutions” – Edmond Mbiaka
26. “Worrying about things that haven’t happened yet is like riding on the hood of your car — what’s the point?” – Ron Baratono
27. “To reduce your worry, you must assume that what you fear may happen is certainly going to happen” – Seneca
28. “Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time” – Corrie Ten Boom
29. “Worry stops your ears to the real music. Worry doesn’t let you fold your arms around the bones of those you love” – Anne Rice
30. “Worry is the opposite of being in the present moment, being conscious, being in love. Worry separates us from our skills and knowledge so that we feel disconnected with ourselves” – Jodi Aman
31. “Rather than sitting and worrying, do something, anything. Worrying is a waste of time” – Catherine Pulsifer
32. “Worrying is a waste of time; it changes nothing. It will only create stress, which can have major effects on your health” – Robert Washington
Don’t Worry Quotes
33. “Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due” – William R. Inge
34. “Worries are wasted emotions, and remember that circumstances have no emotional component unless you give it to them” – Catherine Pulsifer
35. “Worry erodes the psychic, causes unwanted emotional turmoil, and depletes the body through lack of sleep or poor eating habits. It only leads to further and further despair” – Catherine Pulsifer
36. “If you worry about something that you have no control over, or can absolutely do nothing about, then you are wasting your time, energy and emotion” – Byron Pulsifer
37. “Worry is thinking that has turned toxic. It is jarring music that goes round and round and never comes to either climax or conclusion” – Harold B. Walker
38. “Either do something about it or fix it, but don’t worry” – Patricia Akins
39. “Worrying about other people’s problems or events that you cannot control is a waste of mental energy” – Brian Night
40. “The basic secret of overcoming worry is the substitution of faith for fear as your dominant mental attitude” – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
41. “Rather than worrying spend your energy on finding a solution” – Catherine Pulsifer
42. “Worry curdles the expression. It makes us clench our jaws and lines our faces with wrinkles. It forms a permanent scowl” – Dale Carnegie
43. “Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its trials, but it often empties today of its triumphs. Worrying accomplishes nothing” – O.S. Hawkins
44. “As soon as we stop worrying, a solution pops up” – David DeNotaris
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