79+ Daily Positive Affirmations To Be Your Best Self

79+ Daily Positive Affirmations To Be Your Best Self


Looking for some positive affirmations?

Sometimes life looks like a moving carousel, where we have no control over anything and we cannot bend anything to our will.

The only thing that can help through such situations in life are words of affirmations.

Here are the affirmations about growth mindset and self love that will inspire you daily with their positive and powerful impact.

What Are Positive Affirmations?

Affirmations are the short positive sayings and bits of wisdom that we must repeat to motivate ourselves

Here are the benefits of positive affirmations:

  • They can rewire our brain
  • Help in the healing process
  • Bring more energy to the positive aspects of our life

List of Positive Self Affirmations And Mantras

Following are self affirmation examples that you should try daily:

Positive Daily Affirmations For Creativity

I allow myself to create

My mind is full of creative ideas

I am a talented person

I attract brilliant ideas

Creativity is my birthright

I am letting go of all creative blocks

Creativity helps me to find my magic

affirmations for creativity

I am confident in my creative work

My creativity is a blessing to the world

Creative expression brings me limitless joy

I am willing to release the need for perfection

I am open to nurturing my creative mind

The universe is helping me ignite my creativity

I am treating my creativity gently

My creativity boosts my confidence

I am confident in sharing my work

My creativity well never runs dry

I am filled with creative energy

New ideas come easily to me

I welcome feedback with a calm mind

I see the world with fresh eyes

I am in touch with my inner creative child

I am proud of my work

I am inspiring others with my work

I am progressing in my creative skills every single day

I am worthy of inspiration

I am in union with my creative power

I am rich with creative ideas

I am creatively inspired by the people around me

daily creative affirmations

Words Of Affirmation For Self Love

I am good enough

I am made for awesomeness and greatness

I am radiating self-love and abundance

I have the right to be happy

I have the right to shine and succeed

I am loved and admired

My body is filled with healing energy

My body, mind, and soul are at peace

My mind is filled with positive thoughts

I am forgiving all the negative thoughts of my mind

I am patient and kind to myself

I am living every step of this journey

I choose to be happy

I am manifesting my dream life

daily affirmations

I am co-creating joy and peace

Love is leading me

I am creating space for a miracle every second

I am letting love lead the way

I am collaborating with the energy of Universe

I am acknowledging the suffering and choosing to heal

I can see everything through the lens of love

I am creating a space that reflects my present reality

positive self love affirmations

Gratitude Affirmations

The Universe loves me so much

I am embracing each moment with gratitude

Life is full of love and I find it wherever I go

I am abundant in all the areas of my life

I am enjoying miracles of life

The Universe is supporting me in ways I can’t imagine

I am guided and loved

positive gratitude affirmations

I am healthy and I am free

I live in a world full of infinite love

I live in a world of infinite possibilities

I am embracing the Universe as my support system

I am deepening my relationships

I am strengthening my trust in others

I have the power to create the life I desire

short gratitude affirmations

Positive Morning Affirmations To Say Everyday

Good things are happening to me

Every day I am getting healthier

Every day of my life is filled with love

Good things unfold before me

I am letting go of all can’t s, couldn’t s, and shouldn’t s

I am focusing on the can s, should s, and could s

I am present in every moment

I am open to whatever plan the Universe has in store for me

I am reaching my full potential in this life

The Universe is helping me to heal

I choose to see the love in everything

I am a magnet for miracles

I am connected to the Supreme Power

Every second I am reconnecting to my hidden power

I choose to see peace

I can choose how I want to perceive every situation

I am attracting support from the Universe

I have the power to transform all obstacles into the greatest life lessons

I let my emotions serve their purpose

morning affirmations

How To Use Affirmations?

There are several ways to incorporate affirmations in your everyday life. Some are:

  • Write them down in post-it notes or a piece of paper and stick them around in your office, home, or anywhere where you can see them regularly.
  • Use a positive affirmation while you are looking in the mirror.
  • Use an affirmation while you are walking or doing exercises.
  • Save it as a wallpaper or screen saver of your phone, laptop, or computer.
  • Repeat it while you are doing yoga or meditating.

Think about your affirmation after you wake up or before you go to sleep.

Figure out which ones work for you the most. Repeat them all day long in your head.

Must-Try Resources On Affirmations

Positive Affirmations Self-Care Cards

Badass Affirmations Book

Remember to not just throw an affirmation on top of your fear.

Using these does not mean that you are numbing your fear, it means that you are accepting the suffering and choosing to heal it.

These affirmation quotes will bring you one step closer to challenge your limiting beliefs.

So, take the plunge and trust the process. Make these your mantra.

Join me on Pinterest for additional affirmations and images.

Want more inspiration? Then why not take a look at the following:-