Looking for journal prompts?
There are days where we struggle to find things to write about. That’s where journaling prompts come into play.
Here are the best inspirational journal writing prompts for beginners on self discovery, self awareness, spiritual growth, self-reflection, and new year that will inspire you daily to learn more about yourself.
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How To Journal Effectively?
Journaling means writing thoughts without being critical of them. In other words, it is a method that allows our thoughts to serve, not lead.
While journaling, remember:
- Don’t be hard on yourself if you miss a day or two. Just pick it back up when you can.
- Try to write down everything in a detailed form.
- All you need is a pen and a notebook that you can take anywhere.
- Do not edit a word. Don’t judge what you write. Just let the words flow.
What Are The Benefits Of Journaling?
It is not out of the question that most of us live our lives in an autopilot mode.
Our mind wanders here and there most of the time. This is where journaling is needed. It helps in:
- Finding our abilities, shortcomings, and authentic selves.
- Making us learn more about ourself
- Unlocking our inner complexities
- Bringing more meaning to our routines
- Making better decisions in our life
- Making us aware of the things to be thankful for
- Performance management
Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery
Write about things you need to forgive yourself for.
Write a letter of forgiveness to someone.
If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do in each of them?
What would you do if you could travel into the past?
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Write about the things that have changed your life.
What is the most valuable thing you have learned from this life?
Write down reasons you have faith in yourself.
What does your happiest version look like to you?
What do you do when people are negative and don’t support you?
Write a letter to your anxious thoughts.
How do you know when to let go?
Journal Writing Prompts For Goal Setting
Your favorite quote that reminds you of your goals and dreams.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What do you aspire to be?
What does success mean to you?
What is holding you back from living your dream life and accomplishing a goal?
Write yourself some permission slips for things you always wanted to do. ( As mentioned in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic )
What are your top 3 goals for the month?
Journal Prompts On Creativity
Who has inspired creativity in you?
What were you inspired to create as a child?
What are your creative strengths?
How has creativity helped you?
How does it feel to create something of your own?
List ten things you enjoy doing? When was the last time you let yourself do these things?
Write a letter to your inner critic.
What advice would you give to someone who want to lead a creative life?
If you could create something for the rest of your life, what would that be?
What was the feeling when you first discovered art?
What are you trying to say with your art?
Is art your life or part of your life?
When do you feel the most accomplished as an artist?
Write an encouraging letter to your inner artist?
Journal Prompts On Mindfulness
What’s going on inside you at this moment?
On a scale of 1-10, how peaceful are you today?
How do you stay present in everyday life?
How do you feel at the moment?
How is your heart today?
Growth Mindset Journal Prompts
What kind of person do you want to be?
What are the things that keep you going?
How do you find opportunities for growth in the midst of your present struggles?
What are the things that you have given up on your road to becoming your best self?
Old you vs. new you.
What would your younger self be proud of you for today?
Write about your can s , should s, and will s.
Write about your can’t s, shouldn’t s, and wouldn’t s
Chronic Illness Journal Prompts
Write a letter to your chronic pain.
Describe your illness.
Lessons you learned from your illness.
Which things have changed in your life after becoming ill? How do you manage to deal with these changes?
What was your diagnosis journey like?
What did your illness teach you about adaptability?
How did the world around you change after you became ill?
How do you maintain a balance in mind and body?
How do you let go of the thought ‘why me’?
Do you still feel compassion for others?
How do you cope with loneliness and bad days?
Gratitude Journal Prompts
What keeps you grounded?
What freedoms are you most grateful for?
Describe your happiest memory.
How is your life more positive today than it was a year ago?
What makes you happy to be alive?
List the treasures around you in your life
What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?
What’s one of your personality traits that you’re grateful for?
What do you love most about life?
Write about a moment in your life that was pure joy and light.
What do you love about yourself?
What makes you unique?
Write a thank you letter to yourself.
How do you show love to yourself on a daily basis?
Journal Prompts For Spiritual Awakening
What is the biggest miracle of your life?
Are you in the right path? If not, why not?
Are you a truth seeker?
What kind of world you want to live in?
What does it mean to be free and fulfilled?
Are you satisfied and content with your life?
Why do most of us try to escape from the present moment?
What do you think about enlightenment.
What is the key to the inner peace?
Write a letter to your subconscious mind.
What do you think your spiritual gifts are?
New Year 2024 Journaling Prompts
Word of the year is.
One thing you learned last year.
One habit that you gave up last year.
Quote that inspired you last year.
A letter to the past year.
Your photo album of last year looked like.
In what three ways have you made last year memorable?
What did you do for yourself last year?
What were you most thankful for last year?
Did you attained all the goals of last year? What are your goals for this year?
Are you the same person you were at the beginning of last year?
Must-Try Resources On Journaling
Here are a few guided journals that will provide you with motivational journal prompts.
1. Becoming: A Guided Journal For Discovering Your Voice
2. Do It For Yourself: A Motivational Journal
3. Two Minute Mornings: A Journal To Win Your Day Every Day
And there you have it! We hope you loved this collection of journaling topics and questions.
Join me on Pinterest for additional prompts and images.
Want more inspiration? Then why not take a look at the following:-
? Lena's Notebook ? (@lenasnotebook) says
These are some good ideas!
thanks for sharing ?
Rinki Tiwari says
thank you so much… journal prompts are indeed great..?
mariexceline says
Thanks for these. I’ve saved for later ?
Rinki Tiwari says
hey..thank you …you should definitely use them …?
mariexceline says
I’ll let you know!