23+ Art Journal Ideas For Every Artist To Get Started

23+ Art Journal Ideas For Every Artist To Get Started


Looking for art journal ideas?

Or are you someone who loves the idea of art journaling but lack the courage to start one?

Here is a collection of art journal pages that will inspire beginners with easy, creative, and simple sketchbook drawing ideas.

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What Is An Art Journal?

An art journal is a place for creative expression. It is a great way to record both art and words.

Do you remember the good old days of scrapbooking? Well, you can think of an visual journal as a diary where you can place your art ideas as well.

In other words, you can write quotes, create an abstract painting, try scrap-booking, add photographs or pressed flowers, work with mixed media, etc.

If you are someone who journals, try incorporating a little bit of art in it. Or if you are someone who loves to draw and paint, you can try putting down words in it too.

Why And How To Keep An Art Journal?

“I am not a creative person”, “I can’t draw”, “I don’t have a good handwriting”

There are countless times when we hear such objections from people around us. Some people hold themselves back. They either run after perfection or stay behind self-doubt.

In such scenarios, art journaling and other such creative projects come into play. It lets the person draw and paint what he wants without bounds.

While making or starting an art journal, remember that is not at all about making every page a masterpiece.

It is not only a way to bring you closer to your inner creative child but also a way to practice self-care and de-stress.

How To Start An Art Journal?

If you have been wondering about how to make an art journal, you can find some tips and tricks here.

1. Think About Your Theme

Although art journaling is all about being spontaneous, you still need to have some sort of rough ideas for how to begin.

For example:

  • Am I in the mood to create a full fledged artwork?
  • Do I have a collection of quotes that would go well with the art?
  • Should I create a junk journal with the stuff I don’t use now?
  • Is there anything that has been bothering me for quite a while? Can that be transformed into an artwork?

We could go on, but you get the idea.

Keep asking yourself some questions until you hit something that excites you.

2. Gather Supplies For Art Journal

Once you have a theme in your mind, after that gather the journaling supplies that can help you to carry out the theme.

If not, you can gather all your supplies in one place and then try to figure out.

3. Create The Background Of Your Drawing Journal

If you have been wondering about the art journal background, here are some techniques that can help you:

  • Fill your page with washi tapes
  • Cover all your page with line drawing
  • Use colored paper
  • Spray paint on the entire page

These background ideas will further inspire you to continue with your art journal.

4. Get Started

Play in your journal for an hour or two. All you need now is to leave your fears behind and begin. In other words, paint, write, draw, or paste pictures, do whatever makes you happy.

how to start art journal

Art Journaling Ideas For Beginners

Now, Get ready with your essentials for diving into these creative journaling techniques.

1. Mixed Media Journal

Use different medium as watercolor, acrylics, pens, or crayons onto a single page to come with a unique background or layout.

art journal ideas
Negativity is destruction
art journal doodles
Attain the glow inside out

art journaling for beginners

2.  Quote Journal

Put your favorite quotes and sayings in your journal to give it a soulful touch.

visual journal ideas
Your happy place is within you
creative journaling ideas
Check those old memories that give you pain
art journal ideas
Embrace the darkness with all your light
art journal doodles
In the playlist of life, always choose the right track

3. Junk Journal

Use anything that you consider as a waste or useless and try it in your journal.

art journal pages
I am trapped inside a strange world that nobody can ever find, where I am host of my body but visitor of my mind.
mixed media journal
Her touch can emanate fire out of snowball

visual art journaling

4. Colored Paper Journal

Try using a colored paper and see how it accentuates your journal.

art journal layout ideas
Water the flowers of your soul with purity of your heart
art journal ideas and inspiration
It heals, when we care less
art journal with galaxy illustration
Listen to the poetry of universe, it is giving secrets of life

creative journal ideas

5. Washi Tape Journal

Use washi tapes of different color and textures and add your own twist to the journal.

art journal background ideas
You are the only storm that brings peace to me

6. Drawing Journal

Draw or paint in your journal and treat it as your sketchbook.

creative art journal spread
Life is never easy, sometimes it is stormy ,sometimes it is breezy
creative art journaling example
You are music to my ears and rhythm to my heart
drawing journal
Each droplet of rain on my skin reminds me of you; serene and divine

watercolor journaling

journaling art

7. Dot And Line Drawing Journal

Try creating different lines or dots and see how it makes your journal more creative.

art journal background ideas
You are every answer to my inquisitive soul.
art journal inspiration
Cuddle my heart in such a way, it swings in our love’s ballet.
sketchbook ideas
You are not a puppet driven by some thread holders but you are the thread holder who can make your destiny dance in the way you like

8. Black And White Journal

Although colors are great but sometimes you need to do something out of your comfort zone. So, try creating a journal without using colors.

art journal made using black micron pen
Take me to the safest place, my soul is ready to depart; No city of dreams, no horizon, as for me, it is your heart

ideas for art journals

artsy journal ideas

visual journal ideas
Life is just a stage, but we take it as a cage

9. Poetry Journal

Write down your favorite poetry and proses that can go with your drawing.

sketchbook ideas

mixed media journal pages

Art And Visual Journal Prompts List

There are some days when you’re low on ideas, and you don’t know how to fill an art journal.

In such cases when you can think of nothing to draw, use visual journaling prompts to fill your sketchbook with creative art ideas.

You can print this list, cut the ideas up into different strips, and add them to your drawing prompt jar.

1. Fill a page with geometric shapes.

2. Create a collage using old book or magazine.

3. Doodle on an entire page about:

  • Things you did today
  • Things you are grateful for today
  • Random things about today
  • Questions you have today

4. Create a page using art supplies you rarely use. Such as stencils, rubber stamp, ink sprays and get ready to experiment.

5. Choose any letter of the alphabet and draw it in different font styles.

6. Draw your monthly favorites like:

  • Events you attended
  • Your milestones
  • Movies you watched

7. Open the dictionary and use it for one word art prompts.

art journal prompts

Art Journaling Supplies And Materials

Here is the list of basic tools and essentials that can act as a starter supply kit for your art journal.

1. Journals/Sketchbook

The main requirement for an art journal is that it should have thick pages with little or no bleeding ( impression of paint on another side of the page) and should lay flat.

2. Paints

Some art journaling artists like to paint with watercolor, some with acrylic. Some like gauche, some like oil.

But one thing you need to consider is the pigmentation of paint colors.

3. Ephemera

These are the items that are no longer useful but can still serve you in your creative projects.

Examples of ephemera: old colorful magazine, old books, washi tapes, stickers, printed paper, tickets, colored papers, altered books, dried flower petals, paint chip color chart, newspapers, tags, postcards, playing cards, post its, bookmarks, calendars, and letters, etc.

Look around at your house. You can find so much more. Be creative.

4. Brushes

For art journaling, brushes from your local art store will work just fine. All you need to consider is a brush with stiff bristle, strong handle, and one that holds both paint and water well. ( do not leave them in water pot for days).

5. Pens

While buying pens, look if they are waterproof, affordable, and have a strong nib.

6. Ink

This is one of my favorite addition to my journaling materials. It can be used not only for creating beautiful art journals but also for hand lettering.

7. Miscellaneous Tools

Some basic tools that can be used are pencils, eraser, scissors, pallet knife, binder clips, craft knife, glue, cardboard, stencils, charcoal, spray paint, stamps, inks, and paper towels, and masking tape, etc.

And there you have it! We hope you loved this collection of art journal ideas.

Join me on Pinterest for more art images.

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